Boost Your Online Presence in Cork

Our SEO packages are tailored for businesses in Cork seeking to dominate the digital landscape. Our team specialises in optimising online visibility, driving traffic, and ensuring your business stands out amidst Cork’s vibrant market. With a strategic approach and a focus on local SEO, we’re here to help your business drive revenue.


What Do You Get With An SEO Package?

On-page SEO is the foundation of your entire program’s success. In essence, its everything that we can control on your website. Through intensive website auditing, we identify the best way to adapt your web pages’ HTML code alongside your site’s overall content in order to begin generating real, tangible results. We then create content and the meta tags that the Google bots are seeking out when determining how to catalogue and index a website. Our company’s on-page process has been finely tuned in order to deliver a significant increase in organic traffic. Be it getting more leads, driving sales, or simply ranking higher on the SERPs, on-page is the foundation.


Optimising your business’s online presence by identifying and then managing the external factors that are influencing your website’s rankings.  We utilise a trial-and-test method, deep-dive analysis, and research in order to pinpoint how to overtake your competition. We prioritise garnering awareness for your site by increasing its overall authority, trustworthiness, and relevancy. This is done through expert link-building campaigns and improving social signals, by doing this you are proving to users and the Google algorithm that you are a trusted site.

Every single business has a unique set of needs, which also means they have a unique set of keywords. In a similar vein, every user has a unique need, so it’s vital to identify the intent of the browser and how they think. Through our keyword research, our agency in Cork determines the most effective and appropriate keywords for your website.

We don’t just examine the most common keywords related to your business; we go a step further. We examine the overall mindset of your target market and then use these crucial keywords to move a client along their journey. These methods, coupled with the use of long-tail keywords, can effectively craft a path to conversion for your clients.

Content creation is key, but it’s essential to curate and create quality content. In order to boost your website’s credibility, we begin building links from other high-authority websites. We do this through press releases, guest posts, and backlinks. Through this, you’ll start to receive traffic that is already familiar with your brand and, more importantly, has already established a level of trust. This work positions you as the go-to expert in your field, speaking on a highly relevant topic on a highly relevant website. This website ‘authority’ from a larger site is then passed onto you in the eyes of the Google bots. Through these processes, search engines will begin to recognise that you are producing informative, engaging content that’s worth shouting about. This sentiment is only further emphasised if a user then clicks on the link to your website.

The optimisation of your website’s infrastructure is essential in order to give your content creation the best opportunity to rank for highly relevant keywords. Technical SEO is done in order to help search engines discover, crawl, index, and interpret your website, allowing your rankings to jump. Search engines love smoothly running sites; if you ignore these technical aspects, your campaign can fall on its face. Technical SEO isn’t simply a checklist; it’s a vital part of the entire process. Not only does it aid your ability to rank higher in the SERPs, but it also builds a future-proofed foundation for you to build on. Every website presents different issues, so we use a bespoke approach to every technical audit, examining your site speed, complete website migrations, IT architecture, mobile SEO, and even analysis to see if your website has been previously hit with a Google penalty.

Our Digital PR team works closely with our agents in order to create high-quality backlinks, publicity, customer reviews, and features designed to present you, and your business as the go-to experts in the field. Digital PR ultimately positively impacts a website’s ranking and overall search engine visibility by securing placements on some of the world’s leading websites.

Digital Funnel is focused on delivering results in the most transparent and effective manner possible. The harsh reality is that most SEO companies simply email a number-heavy spreadsheet once a month to a client’s inbox in order to show their work. This is not our way; numbers without an explanation are just numbers. We schedule monthly meetings in order to update you on how the campaign is going, explain what we’ve done and what we’re going to do, and discuss the entire process with you. You’ll be provided with a detailed monthly report that details exactly how our SEO work is impacting your business. It’s all about contextual explanations. Your account manager will highlight the month’s big wins and how they will benefit the overall campaign. You will also be presented with all of the generated content for your approval in order to ensure you are fully engaged in the process.

SEO By Numbers

Digital Funnel

2 Connell St, Lapp’s Quay, Centre, Cork, T12 WF82

Types of SEO

Our Promise

In our digital marketing agency our core values are honesty and integrity. There are many ways to cut corners in digital marketing especially in SEO services but they all lead to disaster in the end. We believe in treating ourcustomers fairly with a top quality service. We only want to work with clients who offer that same level of respect to their customers.

At our digital marketing agency in Cork, we highly value our customer service. We always keep our clients updated with everything that happens as well as providing quick responses to their queries with honest communication. We create monthly reports and executive summaries to keep you part of the process and informed.

In business, what matters most is not how hard you work but how much you achieve. Vanity metrics such as likes and website visitors are pointless without conversion. Our digital marketing agency focuses on engineering your web pages to help you build a database, drive leads through your marketing funnel, that will ultimately convert to sales.

Answers to Your Questions

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation is a verified method of boosting website traffic and revenue via organic search queries.

When someone is looking for information online, they head to a search engine and input a query. Search engines then begin to scour millions of web pages in order to send the relevant data back to the user. This data is comprised of files, web pages, images, and more. This information is discovered through something called ‘crawling’ and ‘indexing’, and from here it’s catalogued.

The way the content of your website is structured directly influences how your website is catalogued and, ultimately, how high it ranks when someone searches for your products or services. Our optimisation services tailor your content to make it more understandable for search engine crawlers and, most importantly, the searcher. 

Why is SEO So Important?

SEO matters for Cork businesses because it:

  1. Boosts Visibility: Higher search rankings mean more visibility among potential customers.
  2. Drives Targeted Traffic: Optimising for specific keywords attracts users looking for your services in Cork.
  3. Builds Trust: Top-ranking websites are seen as more trustworthy, benefiting your brand’s reputation.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Outranking competitors in Cork can significantly impact customer acquisition.
  5. Local Relevance: Local SEO ensures visibility among users searching for nearby businesses.
  6. Long-Term Impact: SEO efforts lead to sustained traffic and growth, providing lasting results for your business.
Where do Digital Funnel offer their services?

As a digital marketing agency, we are lucky enough to be able to offer our services worldwide. We have clients in all the main cities in Ireland, including Cork, Dublin, Galway and Tipperary. Outside of Ireland, we are currently working with clients in the UK and the US. Digital Funnel also helps many clients with web design, both for eCommerce sites and WordPress sites. As of recently, our team has expanded, and we are now offering Digital PR and PPC ads. Get in touch with us today.


Get Your
Free Consultation in Cork

As a full-suite SEO company in Cork, we have everything you need to achieve your goals of bringing in consistent, high-quality traffic, leads and
ultimately, sales.

  • Discuss Strategy
    We’d like to understand your current digital strategy, where you need help, and pinpoint some quick wins.
  • Industry Understanding
    We’ll take a look at the industry to see where the opportunities exist and analyse your competitors—where are they winning?
  • Unlock New Insights
    Fill out the form, and we’ll organise the free audit and consultation to discuss our findings.