What Exactly Is A Digital PR Agency?

In short, Digital PR is an online marketing strategy used by any business to increase and draw eyes to their online presence. A Digital PR Company works in a very similar way to its more traditional counterpart but now, Digital PR agents will network with journalists, influencers, bloggers and online publications and send digital press releases to gain high-quality backlinks and online mentions that will drive traffic to the website, support marketing initiatives and also help search engine performance.



What We Do

The Benefits of Using A Digital PR Company

Traditional PR vs Digital PR – What’s The Difference?

When it comes to Digital PR there is some confusion as to what the difference is between this and it’s traditional PR counterpart.

Digital PR

A Digital PR company is primarily concerned with leveraging linkable assets to earn backlinks that will directly influence and impact a websites organic traffic, visibility, and overall SEO efforts. Digital PRs influence is tangible, you can witness the impact that these high-quality links impact a sites SEO performance.



Traditional PR

Traditional PR deals mainly with brand awareness and it is far more difficult to quantify and report upon – It still tends to place far more of a focus on offline media, whilst Digital PR is more geared towards the online world.




The Digital Pr Process

The key component to any good Digital PR company strategy is the goal – What do you want to be achieved?

  • Increased traffic to a specific web page?
  • Bring more eyes to a new promotion/offer?
  • Expanding your emailing list in order to increase sales?
  • Raising domain authority and in turn, lifting website ranking?

Define a goal at the outset and regularly circle back to it whilst creating content.

Ideas take time, good ideas take even a bit more. A good Digital PR company will engage in some brainstorming sessions, with Digital PR agents bouncing ideas around and seeing what sticks.

Create a list of any decent ideas that come to the fore, then prioritise them based on which ones have the most potential for a hook.

Who’s going to publish this content? What publication has the correct readership and audience that would overlap with your target customers? Is your idea going to provide something that will hook journalists? A great Digital PR agency will cover all of these bases when generating content for a client.

A Digital PR Company strategy will focus mainly on securing backlinks from relevant online publications via the publishing of articles. It also involves building relationships with local journalists in order to gain client mentions within the press.

However there are many different ways to do this, here is a list of some of the most common forms of a Digital PR company strategy.

  • Publish articles online in order to obtain high-quality backlinks
  • Networking with Journalists/Editors & The Press to gain backlinks
  • Creating and publishing press releases to earn features
  • Blogger outreach to gain mentions and backlinks on relevant blogs.
  • Offline, in-person events with a view to garner online attention.
  • Designing, crafting and sharing infographics

It’s important before you jump into content creation that you are 100% sold on your ideas. You need to know exactly what type of content you want to generate and what to do with it once you have it. There is zero point in piecing together a great piece of content and just leaving it stewing in a Dropbox folder.

An excellent Digital PR ageny or anyone in involved in a Digital PR company will draft, re-draft and re-detail to ensure the content is engaging and on-point before submission.

Digital PR Agency FAQs

Is Digital PR the same as digital marketing?

Digital PR falls under the digital marketing umbrella, whilst having its own cut and clear techniques. The true benefits of working with a Digital PR Company are felt when combined with SEO, another element of Digital Marketing. Securing coverage on high DA sites is a brilliant way to aid the efforts of your SEO teams but also a huge win for Digital PR teams.



How does Digital PR effect SEO?

A Digital PR company effectively represents the area where the lines between traditional PR and SEO have become blurred. Digital PR agents actively develop strong, in-house content with a unique hook or angle that will naturally appeal to journalists. This, combined with a strong SEO strategy leads to positive results. The content generated can be anything from an article, survey data, infographics and more to build strong, high-quality backlinks.

Digital PR agents and SEO work in tandem. The SEO experts liaise with the Digital PR agents and are able to inform strategic plans with data in order to achieve organic search success. By working with a Digital PR Company you can also expand and improve your website’s Authority. Traditionally, PR would focus on positioning brands and increasing awareness, Digital PR agents however are far more focused on building strong quality backlinks through online coverage of their brand, working hand in hand with SEOs to measure the value of these links and track their effectiveness, via website ranking, traffic and overall conversions.



Why Digital PR is Important

Digital PR helps to build your brands identity by generating newsworthy, topical content and placing it in front of consumers & clients relevant to your business.



What is Digital PR Company strategy?

A good Digital PR company strategy revolves around creating content with a unique hook, then outreaching to journalists, bloggers, online publications and more to grab coverage, which in turn leads to a backlink to your site.



Do You Provide More Services?

Yes, we are not only a Digital PR company. We are also an SEO agency that has helped many clients with their local SEO, national SEO or eCommerce SEO through Ireland, the UK and the United States. Website design is another service we provide and have plenty of experience in eCommerce web design and WordPress web design. Our digital marketing agency is a specialist in PPC Adwords. For more info get in touch with us today.

Whether you live in Cork, Galway, Tipperary, Chicago, New York, or another major city, we can help your business succeed.




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Our Digital PR Agency

As a Digital PR agency, we have everything you need to achieve your goals of bringing in consistent, high-quality traffic, leads and,
ultimately, sales.

  • Discuss Strategy
    We’d like to understand your current digital PR strategy, where you need help & pinpoint some quick wins.
  • Industry Understanding
    We’ll take a look at the industry to see where the opportunities exist and analyse your competitors – where are they winning?
  • Unlock New Insights
    Fill in the form, and we’ll organise a free consultation to see if Digital PR suits your business.